An excellent recap of the entire Mar-A-Lago event, including what preceded it…
This historic story has been unfolding daily, so it’s nearly impossible to know where it’s heading, short term. But what has already happened is extraordinary, in multiple ways. Given the response from Trump’s defenders on the right (which includes most of the Authoritarian Party — formerly the Republican Party), it’s important to understand the factual timeline — what happened, when, and why. This WaPo story does that….
Florida teacher resigns after being forced to remove photos of Martin Luther King Jr., Barack Obama, Colin Powell and other black leaders, as “age inappropriate”…
As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues his purge of anything that stands in the way of Florida becoming a white supremacist, QAnon-driven, fully-authoritarian state, Florida’s policies reveal the stark reality of what happens when extremist ideology meets the real world of education. This story is almost unbelievable, but it’s sadly true….
AZ Senator Kyrsten Sinema took nearly $1 million in campaign contributions over the past year from Wall St., then voted to exempt Wall St. from minimum tax rules…
Sinema’s strategy is nothing new — sell your government influence to the highest bidder. Apparently $1 million dollars is the going rate to help hedge fund managers, private equity professionals and venture capitalists avoid paying taxes like everyone else. Sinema currently feels like she’s in the catbird’s seat because her vote is essential to any Democratic initiatives that require all 50 votes Democratic in the Senate. But despite her last-minute support of Biden’s Climate and Anti-inflation bill, she has managed to alienate the very voters who put her in office, by putting her personal agendas ahead of either party or country, right in plain sight…
Study suggests Epstein-Barr virus may cause multiple sclerosis…
Infections by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) usually cause no symptoms, but a growing body of research suggests it plays a role in multiple sclerosis. If true, this discovery may completely change (and improve) the way that medicine regards multiple sclerosis. From the National Institutes of Health article, “The hypothesis that EBV causes MS has been investigated by our group and others for several years, but this is the first study providing compelling evidence of causality…This is a big step because it suggests that most MS cases could be prevented by stopping EBV infection.”
Finally, from the “just give it up already” department, disgraced former Arizona sheriff rejects defeat, again…
Joe Arpaio is the 90-year-old former Arizona sheriff who was a once powerful figure in Republican politics but was ousted nearly six years ago amid frustration over his headline-grabbing tactics and legal troubles. His activities led to criminal contempt of court for disobeying a judge’s order to stop traffic patrols that targeted immigrants, though he was later pardoned by then-President Donald Trump. Since that time Arpaio has run for office 3 times and lost 3 times. After his most recent loss, he declared that he wasn’t conceding the race and instead was going to consult with an attorney to explore whether to challenge the results. GOP election playbook Rule #1 — If you lost the election, it must be fraud…